

28/08/2016 09:35
The 27th international HAM fast HOLICE 2016 took place in Holice v Cechach on August 26th and 27th. The Ham fast traditionally happened in the area near Holub’s museum. By the way: Mr. Holub was a famous Czech traveller of the 19th century. You can find his statue on the photograph of the Enter to...

New Antennas

16/04/2016 20:42
  Now I have installed new beam antennas HB9CV for 14 and 18 MHz band and a Rotary Dipole for 21, 24,9 and 28 MHz.  They were installed yesterday on April 15, 2016 (see photograph). It was only one reasonable solution for me. My former antenna – Spider Beam - was destroyed by the wet snow...

Destroyed Beam Antenna

01/03/2016 22:21
Yesterday evening a snow calamity was befallen my QTH. Snowing was very heavy and the snow was very wet. My Spider Beam did not survive it unfortunately (aftrer 11 years of very good working).  Now I think about the  installation of a new Beam on the mast. It should be done within a...

Logger32 - DXCC database

31/01/2016 16:14
I use Logger32 in my HAM shack (version 3.48.1 – the program by K4CY). This very comfortable logging program works very well under OS Windows 10. Information (including free download) is available on . I must admit in relation with this that I am not able to read manuals...

New 60 meter band

07/01/2016 15:59
  At WRC -15 in November 2015, we (HAMs) achieved a new 15kHz secondary allocation between 5351.5 – 5366.5kHz. This is not in effect yet. We must wait for home licence conditions (they will be different in IARU regions and individual countries). We can expect our use of this band probably...

Smith V3.10

24/08/2015 15:33
I described an application of software Smith V3.10 in my article  ”40 meters band Vertical Dipole” (these pages). This software (also useful for modeling and calculation of antenna matching networks) is still available on - WEB pages of professor...

Meeting with N6PF in Prague

22/05/2015 13:06
Yesterday on May 21st, 2015 I met Elliott, N6PF and his wife in the city of Praha. They also visited my QTH (located in a forest about 20 km south of the city border) and the castle of Mnisek pod Brdy. It was very nice and interesting for me to talk about HAM and also other topics with them....

Meeting with Alan, K4AWM

05/04/2015 21:35
On April 4, 2015 I met Alan, K4AWM in Praha (Prague) during his visit of the city. It was very nice and interesting for me to converse  HAM and also other topics with him. Thanks Alan.  I must add that Alan worked from a few countries worldwide as: PT2ZAG, XE1MOE, NH2K and...


23/08/2014 22:39
Today I visited the 25th HAM FEST HOLICE  (2nd day – AUGUST 23rd). I could say that it was so interesting as I had expected before. I met lot of HAM friends as usual. I visited (again as usual) stands of Czech Radio Club (CRK) and Slovak Radio Club (SZR). I bought some useful things at HAM...


23/02/2013 16:39
Shortened version of article “Ionogram” (originally written in Czech).   Lots of Radio Amateurs have connection to the Internet nowadays. The Czech Institute of Atmosphere Research publishes topical Ionograms (every 2 minutes) of its Pruhonice u Prahy Observatory at IP...
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