VK2ARZ visited my QTH
27/09/2011 19:56
On September 27th 2011 Max, VK2ARZ, visited my QTH. It was very nice to welcome Max there. Because of the fact that we had had lots of CW QSOs on 20 meter band before it was very interesting and nice for me to talk with Max face to face. Thank Max for your...
New TRX - IC7410
13/07/2011 20:22
News of my HAM shack:
My time tested TRX IC746 was superseded by modern (on DSP based) TRX IC7410 with 3kHz roofing filter. The new one works very well.
Meeting with W6NV in Praha
18/06/2011 23:03
On June 18, 2011, I met Oliver W6NV end his wife Ann in Praha (Prague) during their way to HAM Fest in Freidrichshafen - Germany. It was very nice and interesting for me to converse HAM and also other topics with them. Thanks Oliver and Ann.
OK1DN - Almost every day on HAM bands
04/05/2011 22:50
I have finished my part time job (since April 2011). Now I can work on the HAM bands almost every day because I am already retired. I have more time left now of course (also for our hobby).
My look at HAM bands
15/10/2010 13:00
Because of the date of my birth I have seen and remembered something. My personal feeling is that now there are less radio amateur stations on the bands than it used to be. I understand that it is a different era at the beginning of the 21st century than it was for example in the...
Bob, W7YAQ presented his last Pacific DXpedition in Prague (Praha) - Czech Republic
05/10/2010 10:45
On Friday, September 10, 2010, Bob, W7YAQ, presented his last Pacific DXpedition to Samoa and Tokelau (5W0YA, 5W0OU, ZK3YA, ZK3OU) for OK HAMs here (in Prague /Praha/ - Czech Republic). After Bob's speech and show Richard, OM2TW/OK8WW, presented OM DXpedition to Gamgia (C50C) in 2007...