
Rotary dipole for 50 MHz

15/11/2024 21:48
I have tried to use my rotary dipole (Photogallery Nr. 32) for 50 MHz band.   I have MFJ antenna tuner 949E here. According MFJ’s official data sheet it works to 28 MHz. I was able to tune it up to 50 MHz in my case. The inductor K was selected. It had to be done carefully (output power of my...

Rotary dipole for 21 to 28 MHz

27/10/2024 13:06
  Now I have installed a rotary dipole for 21, 24,9 and 28 MHz bands on my mast. It works very well for DX contacts. You can look at it in the Photogallery (No.32). Remark: HB9CV antennas, the 2 meters vertical Yagi antenna and the rotary dipole have almost not influence mutually.

Ham Shack of OK1DN

05/07/2024 09:29
  IC-7300, output 100W (HF and 6 meters) Alinco DR-138 output 60W (VHF – repeaters) Antenna Tuner MFJ-949E Power Supplier Diamond G6000 (13.8 V, 60A max.)  


20/02/2024 14:50
  I must say at the beginning that I am already old and a little conservative. Because of that fact my opinion on the HAM’s development is not positive (as you could read on this WEB many times). 1) I see that my old HAM overseas friends are already died or seriously ill (unfortunately) and...

OK1DN's HAM Shack

01/12/2023 10:43
TS-480 HX output 200W (SW), Alinco DR - 138  output 60 W (VHF), Antenna Tuner MFJ - 949E, Power Supplier Diamond G7000 (13.8 V, 50 A)

Something out of HAM information II

28/01/2023 17:51
My long time animal friend Aghaya died at her age of 16 years today. Thank you Aghaya for everything and R.I.P.   You can see some pictures of her life in the Photogallery.  

Receiving Ferrite Rod Antenna in Czech Language

11/10/2022 19:25
Pro příjem DX stanic v nízkých krátkovlnných pásmech se, jak známo, používají antény typu Beverage, případně různé otočné směrové systémy a pod. Vysílací antény mají také, jak známo, většinou vertikální vyzařovací polarizaci. To ovšem není z hlediska příjmu optimální (zvýšené rušení atmosférou,...

Ferrite Rod Antenna for receiving on 3.5 MHz band

14/07/2022 09:27
I have been using magnetic receiving antennas for a long time - Frame and Ferrite Rod Antennas. These antennas receive magnetic part (H) of electro – magnetic radio waves (as it is well known). My last article (work) will be published in OQI 121 (magazine of Czech QRP Club). It is also important...

Something out of HAM Information

31/12/2021 16:11
  It’s about my long time animal friend Aghaya (you could see her on my Photogallery – a member of our family, because of that I must use she / not it). My little dog – female one had her 15th birthday yesterday (December 30th, 2021). She is really an old lady (about 78 human years)....

Sporadic E layer

07/05/2021 16:52
Fundamental information of sporadic E layer (Es) came many years ago (in the 1970’s of the last century). Topical Critical frequency (and MUF) is possible to obtain from near Ionospheric Observation (via Internet). The height of Es is about 100 km over the Earth surface.   There are two...
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