My comeback to VHF - 2 meter band
After 10 years I am coming back to VHF – 2 meters band because of very poor propagation conditions on HF bands now. My QTH is very good for making QSOs on short waves but not too good for VHF. On the other hand although the QTH is located in a forest and on a slope of a hill (ASL is 400 meters) I worked with 13 countries DXCC on CW and SSB from here (100W and DK7ZB). Now I have TRX IC7410 with a transvertor 28 to 144 MHz, PA LA250 V (using power output about 150W and Yagi antenna DK7ZB – 7 elements) for CW and SSB. I am going to operate FT8 digital mode (on 144174 kHz) as well. I also have an older TRX IC229E for FM (for some repeaters and local FM QSOs).
I know that not too many stations operate on VHF bands now (except for contests or FT8 mode on 144174 kHz) but I hope for making some common QSOs on 144 MHz (I will see …).