The 27th international HAM fast HOLICE 2016 took place in Holice v Cechach on August 26th and 27th. The Ham fast traditionally happened in the area near Holub’s museum. By the way: Mr. Holub was a famous Czech traveller of the 19th century. You can find his statue on the photograph of the Enter to the HAM fest area in the PHOTOGALLERY. The program of the HAM fast was also traditional - meetings HAMs from OK, OM, SP, 9A and so on, workshops, radio amateur’s Flea Market, stands of HAM equipment and magazines dealers etc. The HAM fest was (also traditionally) organized by members of Hlice’s Radio Club OK1KHL.
I was there on Friday 26th. I met several HAM friends there and bought some needed parts, CDs and an equipment (special small el _ bug for my RETRO TX QRP by OK1QO – keying with a hand key was not too good for me and I did not want to use my standard el – bug from my main station). I also visited stands of Czech Radio Club, OK QRP Club, Slovak HAM organization and Croatian Amateur Radio Association.
The weather was fine, sunny but a little too warm for me (the temperature in the afternoon was about 30 degrees of Celsius).